Tuesday, August 3, 2010

new friends:)

Hell-o:) now, i kat kptm, bangi. amek course dip. in banking. so bored:( hostel, jgn cte la.then ,kena redha jek. i dapat 6 roomate. they are SYIDA, FARA, WATIFF, FATEN & QIQIE. dorg oke, best!;) gurls, thanks te be my friends!:DD tapi dorg semua ambik dip in bussiness study. i jek kod yg laen, so slalu kena tinggal:p hehe. banyak benda yang ktorg da lalui sama2. hope our relation kekal cmpy bila2 oke kawan:) happy friendship day:)) that all for this time. i'll see u next again;) daa
pegi mines:)

hari 1st menjejaki collage. dr kiri: faten, watif, syida, fara
mid valley:)